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This well was below ground level, which made it susceptible to flooding. This can allow bacteria to infiltrate your well water.

We raised the well above ground and disinfected the well (the code is that all wells need to be a minimum of 12 inches above grade level).

This well has duct tape holding the liner pipe up. The liner pipe is broken and the pump was dangling inside of it. The liner pipe was placed inside the original casing due to the original casing leaking. This could cause bacteria to get inside of your well water as the well is not sealed.

We extended both the liner and casing sealing the well properly while also raising the well 12 inches above grade level to bring it up to code.

The water filter and 2 ball valves were placed before the pressure tank. No obstructions should be before the pressure tank. This can cause you to lose the pump inside of the well due to excessive pressure.

The filter and the 2 ball valves were moved so that it is after the pressure tank. This will allow the pressure switch to know when to cut on and off.
We used the majority of the homeowners fittings, we just put them in their proper place.
We used the majority of the homeowners fittings, we just put them in their proper place.

There was a bad pressure tank and filtration that has not worked for some time.

Replaced the pressure tank, removed the filtration that did not work and replumbed some of the pipes.

There was a leak in the waterline that went under the driveway that needed to be fixed. We needed to avoid multiple power and cable lines as you can see.

Successfully bored under the driveway and avoided all cable and power lines.

Got to love a good clean-up! We always try to leave the area as close to the way it was when we arrived. If only we could instantly grow grass!
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