Well Restoration & Abandonment

Are you looking at putting an older well back into service? Do you have a well that is pumping out dirty water? Did you find a well on your property and don’t know if it is functional? Let our professionals come to take a look at your well to determine the best course of action for restoring your well. We can work with all types of budgets and timelines. Do you need to restore a well step by step? From water filtration to re-casing the well, Blue Ridge Waterworks can help you!
A well must be permanently abandoned or repaired if it acts as a source or channel of contamination.
Would you like to remove the pump from a low producing well to another higher producing well on your property? You do not have to permanently abandon this well. You can just temporarily abandon it, allowing you to comply with state regulations, while still saving the well for later use if so desired.
Do you have a dry well that needs to be abandoned or removed from the property due to state regulations or you consider it an eyesore?
Let Blue Ridge Waterworks fix it for you!